Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm Back (I Hope)!

Since my last post in April I have become much more involved in the management of Sean's dental practice, hired and trained two new staff members, and have spent more time on the phone than I thought possible. (Oh, and coordinated a wedding for a good friend, too. :)) The rewards are many, including more professional success for Sean and I, but the costs have been high. My goal for the next quarter is to find more of a balance between business and home life, and to take steps to help me enjoy the time I do have at home with our two adorable little girls.

Step One
: Hire a house cleaner. CHECK! Boy, if that wasn't the best thing I've ever done. :)
Step Two: Make an attempt, however feeble, to set hours for myself for work, and hours for home (interesting that I separate "home" from "work" - the responsibilities are no less)
Step Three: Do more fun stuff with Ella. Make at least one playdate with a friend and take at least one fun "field trip" of sorts away from the house each week.
Step Four: Make arrangements for more frequent childcare for Ella so I can focus on work during work time. This will be better for us both, as she won't be frustrated that I can't play with her and I'll be able to be more efficient with my time.
Step Whatever: Regular blog posts. Not because I feel obligated, but because I truly cherish this journal of our lives together. With Ella's near constant hilarity and Betty's rapid growth, hopefully these posts will give me a few precious snapshots of our little ones in our daily lives.

This list is clearly going to grow as I work on finding a balance (yes, I already know it's impossible to really "find a balance"), but I'm posting it here to remind me why I'm doing all of this, which is for my family. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the practice and let it consume my every moment, and truth be told, I enjoy the challenge and I enjoy using that part of my brain again. But if I can't enjoy my kids, what good is it?

On to the photos! I have at least been able to snap a shot here and there during the crazy last couple of months, and here are a few highlights. Brace yourself - there are quite a few!

Ella always wants to hold Betty, and now that Betty is able to sit
up with help, she can enjoy it too. Here they are sitting on Ella's bed.

Mama and Betty on the front porch.

Ella getting her first professional haircut. Thanks, Uncle Don!

"Faux" cherries on our "non-fruiting" cherry tree. Lucky for Sean,
they're pie cherries. Thanks to neighbor Dennis for pointing this out.
I thought they were too sour to be good for anything but drying, but
they sure made a good pie.

Ella climbing around the pots on the front porch.

Sean & Betty.

With Uncle Don and Aunt Debbie at the top of Snowbird.

Ella and I mining for gemstones at Snowbird. She loved sifting
through the sand looking for treasures.

Ella making Paley (her much-loved stuffed kitty) smile for the camera.

Ella surprised us all by wanting to jump on the trampolines at Snowbird,
then true-to-form chickened out at the last second. The operators were
incredibly kind, however, and let me get on the trampoline with her.

Sean and his girls.

Ella smelling the flowers along our driveway. She knows the name
of nearly every plant in our yard, and loves to take people on a
botanical tour of the yard, pointing out and naming each one.

Betty sporting Ella's hat. Tre chic!

My dad (Papa Steve) helping Betty run to Ella (and Maggie herding
them all, of course).

Ella sporting the new sunglasses and watering can from Wah Wah Janet.

Betty demonstrating her nightly 12:00-ish waking up program. Mama's not as
amused with this development as Betty and Sean apparently are.

Uncle Denny reading Ella's fabulous new book with her (an awesome
encyclopedia of animals, which she looks at regularly).

The happiest member of the family. :)

Ella and I sporting our "girl-cowboy hats".

Little Betty Blue Eyes. :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Ella snippets

Photos coming soon, but for now, a few snippets, courtesy of our most hilarious member of the family:

Not Happy About It
Today I overheard Ella outside say sharply, "And I am not happy about it!" When she came in, I asked her what she wasn't happy about:

Me: Ella, I heard you say you're not happy about something. What are you not happy about?
Ella: Maggie stepped on the sunflower growing outside.
Me: Oh. And you told her you're not happy about it?
Ella: Yes, and I said, "dammit"!

I Didn't Say That!
We hear this multiple times every day. Apparently Ella thinks if she didn't mention something, it doesn't need to happen. For example, I might say, "Ella, it's time for lunch," to which she would likely reply, "I didn't SAY THAT!", with her arms pressed hard to her sides, little fists clenched and pointing toward the floor, chin jutting out as far as she can force it, and brows knitted furiously together. It's awesome.

Mudpuddles in the House
Ella ran through the house carrying a cup of water, which of course spilled all over the floor. I found her splashing in the puddles on the floor
Me: Ella, don't splash in it!
Ella: Why?
Me: Because it's not a mudpuddle.
Sean: Yeah, you need dirt to make a mudpuddle!
Me: !!!! Really, Dr. Ulm?
Ella: (running for the door) I need to get some dirt!

Ella is on a constant quest to find slugs outside, which she gingerly picks up and carries around, calling them her "fwiends". Other fwiends include worms, snails, beetles, flies, and some spiders (but not all of them, because some of them are "bitey"). The other day she brought in one of her friends, a gigantic earthworm. When I told her he couldn't live in the house, she was crestfallen and protested, "But Mama, he's my favowite fwiend!"

Mama's Milk
I took Betty to see a craniofacial specialist this week on the advice of our pediatrician, to make sure her lumpy little head is within normal range of lumpiness. (It is, and everything's fine.) After completing his brief examination of Betty's head, and commenting on Ella's incredibly large eyes (and asking whether my family or my husband's family have such large eyes...), the doctor turned to Ella and struck up a conversation. Ella's contribution? "My Betty drinks mama milk from Mama's BOOBIES!"

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thanks, Easter Bunny! BOK BOK!

A photo post of Easter and the few days prior and after...

Last week, Ella was drawing a picture, and decided
to go ahead and write her name on it. By herself. For the first time!
This was not only her first attempt, but she had no help, and nothing
to look at. I was totally blown away!! I didn't even know she knew
how to spell it.

Unpacking the box of Easter prizes from Uncle Denny. Only a
cruel, cruel man packs a box for a 3-year-old full of Easter grass.
Or a man without kids. :) It quickly devolved into an Easter grass fight,
and lots of vacuuming (but it was sure fun!).

Some of the prizes - cute butterfly headband and
frog ("swog") fingerpuppets.

Ella decided Betty wasn't fancy enough...

Coloring Easter eggs at Wah Wah's house with cousin Connor.

Connor holding his new cousin Betty for the first time.

Ella making pancakes with Wah Wah.

Ella in the car on the way to Connor's house to play.
Sometimes I am blown away by how beautiful she is.

Aunt Tiffy showing Ella how to use the viewfinder.

Ella's favorite toy at Connor's house.

Connor the Stuntman, #1 of a series. This kid is seriously
almost indestructible, and totally fearless. There isn't a ledge he
won't hurl himself off of, an object he won't jump over, or a bike
he won't crash. When he and Ella play together, he throws himself
down dramatically in an expert stuntman crash, and Ella, not to be
outdone, carefully lowers herself to the floor in her own "crash".

Connor the Stuntman, #2.

Connor the Stuntman, #3.

Connor the Stuntman, #4: The Dramatic Finale.

Sweet little Betty Marie.

Ella in all her fanciness, blowing up a balloon.

Betty, fascinated by the ceiling fan.

Ella's self-portrait. Seriously, this sort of blew my mind.

Hunting for Easter eggs at Wah Wah's house.

Checking out the treats.

The girls in their Easter finery.

A kiss for "little Betts".

A fancy pose...

Jelly beans!

Betty & Wah Wah.

Ella doing an experiment ("'periment"). She wanted to know what
would happen if we mixed water & olive oil, so we tried it and found out!

Ella insisted I post the results of our 'periment so people would know
what happened. Be wowed, internet!

Betty after a bath. Ella saw that I might take a picture,
so she had to immediately remove her shirt and climb
up next to Betty.

Another "Take a picture of ME and Betty, Mama!" moment.

Trying on Daddy's shoes. She told me she was "going to work
to fix people's teeth."

It's tricky walking a mile in Daddy's shoes!

Sweet sleeping baby.

Ella & Betty

The first smile to be caught on film. So cute!

A sly little grin.

Work it!