Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Don't Like Creamy Meat

"Ow. I bonked my noggin." 3/23/09

"No! I yike milk. I don't yike creamy meat," trying to convince me to give her milk instead of her breakfast of Cream of Wheat. 3/25/09

"AHHHH! Don't want Maggie to smell my fruit snack!" 3/22/09

"Ella do it by self." Every single day of our lives.


I thought "creamy meat" would be the funniest thing I heard from Ella today, but apparently I was wrong. As I was laying down with her for a nap this afternoon, she was her usual crazy self and not exactly in nap mode, so after telling her several times that it was time to settle down, I held her up so she could see my face. In a very I-mean-business sort of voice, I said, "Ella Mae..." Without missing a beat, Ella said, "I swear to God!" So, I guess I'll cross that little phrase off of the list of things I can say around Ella.

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