Friday, June 12, 2009

Sailor Ella

The hilarity just keeps on coming over here, so here's another snippets post, courtesy of Ella:

"Swear to God, slap my face again," said to her baby doll. (Go right ahead and put those Mother of the Year certificates in the mail...) My mom witnessed this one, and she told me Ella said it with the utmost tenderness and love, and was not in the least bit threatening. I think she maybe was trying to reassure me that Ella wasn't mimicking a horribly abusive mother.

"Sunabitch, my toe!" falling to the ground and holding her toe, mimicking what she had seen me do minutes earlier when she came running over to me and caught the top of my big toenail with the underside of her shoe and I was mortally wounded. She "sunabitch"'d one toe, then took off her other shoe and "sunabitch"'d the other. (Again, those certificates can be sent directly to me.)

Why I feel it's appropriate to post about my two-year-old's swearing sort of escapes me, especially since I'm the one she spends her days with and she's clearly not picking this up on PBS. For some reason I'm apparently totally willing to publicly implicate myself in all of this. For those of you who don't see Ella regularly, she really doesn't do this terribly often, but when she does it is so hilarious - mostly because she says these things in exactly the same way I do - that they're what I remember most and therefore what gets relayed to all of you. If you have children, I'm sure you'll understand how this sort of thing happens, and if you don't have children, why don't you just shut the hell up about my parenting skills?

I'll do my best to be a more civilized example, and in the meantime, I'll continue to share my slip-ups, courtesy of our little parrot Ella Mae.


  1. Hilarious!!! And I'm sure I may have similar stories in the years to come, considering that I have what some refer to as sailor mouth. ;)

  2. If you have Sailor Mouth, Eva will definitely have it too. I've done my best to curb mine, but if I get hurt or break something, it tends to slip. And of course since I seem to be in distress, that's when Ella is paying really close attention.

  3. Please continue to post Ella-isms and sailor mouth. I love Ella's potty mouth and still think you should receive the mother of the year certificate :)


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