Thursday, April 1, 2010

A photo post, and an Ella snippet...

The other day Ella was commenting on the pretty yellow flowers on our forsythia bush, and impressed that she had actually called the bush a "forsysia", I told her what an impressive vocabulary she has. The conversation went like this:

Ella: Look at those pretty yellow flowers on our forsysia!
Me: Yes, those are very pretty. And you have quite a vocabulary!
Ella: What's a vocabulary?
Me: A vocabulary is all the words you know.
Ella: I know 'damn it', and 'shut up'.
Me: !!!

It was like she knew immediately that this was her opportunity to use a couple of words she's not allowed to say. I tried to hold a straight face, but that proves impossible most of the time with this girl.

And now, some photos!

Ella with her life-size (sort of) lookalike. (Yes, I know
Paper Ella looks like a blow-up doll. Mama can sew
and Mama can cook, but Mama cannot draw.)

Ella entertaining a fussy baby with a hilarious song and dance.

Making some "practice" Easter cookies. (Mama needed a cookie.)

Decorating the cookies.

A tree shaped cookie with "apples".

Trying out her fun Easter prizes - thanks, Great Grandma Betty,
Great Great Aunt Marie, and Wah Wah Janet!

Sleeping Betty, also trying out her fun Easter prizes. :)

Droopy Daddy & Droopy Betty.

Mama & the girls.

We went to a dinner party at a friend's house, and Ella
came out of her room sporting these ridiculously fancy earrings.
She wore them all night long, despite their rather large heft.

The fanciness never ends over here. (Perhaps she feels the
need to make up for her Mama's lack of fanciness...)

A picture Ella drew especially for the Wah Wahs and the Papas.
She asked me to take a picture of it with my camera, put it on
"the compitoh", and send it to them. Too cute.

"How YOU doin'?" (Can you stand those cheeks!?)

It takes a lot of rest to grow cheeks this big.

"Betts" (Ella's new nickname for her) at 6 weeks.

Betty discovered her hand today! I love watching new
babies discover their own miraculous little bodies.

1 comment:

  1. Cute photos! You guys are so lucky to have these two gorgeous girls. I loved Ella's earrings - she didn't even complain once about the drag of those things last weekend! hehe. She was looking super adorable/snazzy! It was also *SO* great to see you guys.


Give me some sugar! (or salt, whatever)